We, the volunteers, have decided to step together and enable all children and other participants approximately 110 free school meals a day during the summer camp.  Every day we will personally hand out the food. With only 5 EUR per child we can cover their meals  for an entire month of the summer camp. Nine local teachers will also work with us to whom we would like to award a small reward (approx. 20 EUR). These rewards will also be handed out by us at the end of the camp. 

In addition, we will be participating in laying the foundation stone for an Educational and Volunteering Center The Gambia. The center will have a specific purpose of providing a long-term social and economic growth to the Gambian people. It will also include a day care center, nursery and kindergarten, teacher’s programs, trainings for variety of professions and support to the Gambia International Women Club in their quest for a better education and living standards.

We know you have a sense of charity and willingness to help people in need, so we kindly petition for your help. You are welcome to donate within your capabilities – a meal for one child, two, three … as you wish. I would also kindly ask you to forward this message to your friends, family and acquaintances – together we will succeed in putting a smile on children’s faces and quiet their stomach’s rumblings.

Should we collect more funds than needed, we will purchase materials for the kindergarten, take the children on school trips and distribute the rest of the money among the poorest families from the Barra village.

It beings with me – it begins with you!

 T H A N K Y O U